Please use this form to inquire about room availability at Villa Lorena. This form isn't a direct booking form. All inquiries must be answered by the staff atVilla Lorena

Under Law 675/96 on safeguard of personal data, I authorize the staff at Villa Lorena to use the data submitted for Villa Lorena's internal procedures. Moreover, I declare to have read Law 675/96.

Villa Lorena declares that the data appearing on this the form will be used only to provide a prompt reply and will be kept absolutely confidential.

I agree to these conditions:

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory
Personal data:
I am interested in a quote for:
in room
    How many double room: 
    How many triple room:   
    How many single room:  
in Mini Flat
for both possibilities
arrival date:* Seleziona la data departure date:* Seleziona la data
Number of guests:*
children:(less then 15 years old)
Other requested informations:

Copy the captcha code:
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